April 6, 2008

A Very Ambitious Schedule

My lovely 11-year old niece was accepted into a Leadership Training Program in Washington D.C. Since my sister (JL) didn’t want her to fly alone, I volunteered to escort her to and from, drop her off, and be close by in case something major happened. “There are plenty of things on The List to see and do in the area,” I said, “it won’t be any trouble at all.”

So I started the planning and the more I spoke with JL about my plans, the more interested she became. Until finally she just asked if she could tag along. So, the planning continued and we fly out next week. Our schedule will be jam-packed, but with quite a bit of flexibility to stay longer and leave earlier. And I’ll need a vacation after this trip. Luckily, I have one planned.

Here are the places/things from The List we’ll be visiting:
Chesapeake Bay
Pennsylvania Dutch Country
Independence Park
Philly Food
New York City
Historic Downtown New York
Washington DC Mall & Monuments
The Smithsonian