November 17, 2011

#68 Manchester Village

Manchester Village 

It's a tiny little hamlet in Vermont and the Equinox Resort. I stopped and had lunch at the Marsh Tavern at the Resort - and paid way too much money for the absolute worst turkey club I've ever had. As anyone who knows me can attest, I KNOW turkey clubs, and you sir, are no turkey club. Blech! Now, I didn't take a picture (though I should have) they do bring a little wooden box with various breads (sourdough, corn muffins, multi-grain), spreads (butter and jalapeno jelly), and fruit (whole pears), and they also give you a little pitcher of whatever soda you're drinking. That part was cool.

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Fancy bathrooms, with real towels!

Do not try the turkey club.

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Manchester is also the home of the Orvis Fly-Fishing School.