Sedona and its surrounding area is famous for its electromagnetic centers (called Vortexes) which supposedly have healing power and natural transformative energy.

The Yavapai-Apache tribe consider this sacred ground, their Garden of Eden where the human race began. What I can tell you is that it is beautiful.

But also, that is was so crowded that any "special-ness" was lost in a sea of people just trying to find a parking spot.

Every official parking lot/scenic overlook was packed, as were the sides of the roads leading to every parking lot and trail head.

I took these out the car window while I was waiting to get into the parking lot - once inside, it took 30 minutes to wind my way to discover their was no parking at the top and to just turn around and come back down.

There was just a sea of people (and also a lot of poor drivers) and I am gonna place this on the "Meh, I didn't need to go there" side of The List's scale of impressive must-sees.

Outside of the Sedona/Oak Creek area, I also stopped at Montezuma's Castle. Erin recommended it to me, and it was a nice little stop.

Also on the nice side of the scale - I had planned to buy an National Parks Service America the Beautiful pass at the Grand Canyon, but they sold them at the Ranger Station. So, that was a little extra bonus that basically got me an extra weekend of free entry.