I didn't end up taking any pictures of the outside of the building, or even pics with my nice camera. These are all discreet cell phone shots because the patrons at this place... they are horrible. Now the staff was fantastic, and the food was terrific, but the customers? The customers were straight out of Big, Rich Texas and it made me want to stay as far away from Dallas as possible (residence-wise). This may actually be an unfair assessment given that the season opener between Michigan and Alabama was that day at Texas Stadium and most of the horrible people were wearing red (Roll Tide), but still.... BLECH!
Also, I was running a little bit late because there was a lot of confusion surrounding what time it was on this leg of the trip. Arizona does not participate in Daylight Saving Time, but the Navajo Nation does so depending where you are in relation to the NN you could swing an hour in only a few steps. And then my phone decided it was also much too confused to be bothered updating automatically so I was an hour later than planned in leaving OKC and driving to Turtle Creek. That probably did not help my mood... anyway...
I had the brunch tasting...
Fancy butter (I am obsessed with fancy butter - just ask Nate!)
With a roll and a scone
The amuse was a fancy tomato soup shot
My appetizer was melon soup - it was soooo good, especially the candied nuts, fresh melon, and (shout out for the Grandparents Eggett) orange sherbet.
I forgot to take a picture of my biscuits and gravy before I dug in - that is how fantastic it was.
The sausage was jalapeno so it had a bit of a kick.
The biscuits were flaky and the hashbrowns were perfectly brown and crispy.
(The eggs remained in the kitchen.)
I had the sherbet/ice cream sampler for dessert:
I think this was supposed to be a berry sherbet, but it didn't really taste very good.
The mango sherbet was a home run!
I remain undecided about this sour cream vanilla ice cream. It started out tangy and sour and then turned sweet and creamy in my mouth. It was confusing to my peasant taste buds.
Wow, this is a terrible picture of the chocolate ice cream - I am not a huge fan of chocolate ice cream, so there's not really a lot to say, except it was chocolate peanut butter ice cream which made it dreamy.
I think the sugar cookie is supposed to be Texas-shaped. It was good, but unremarkable.