Can you believe I'm at 100 Places to See already? I am officially 1/5 of the way to my goal of 500. This was an exciting milestone to hit, and I hope to keep crossing Places off my list, and I'm so happy that I made travel a priority in my life.
I love the doors!
And the menu...
The salad was okay
The croutons were Texas sized
But the meat ... the meat was so excellent!
So, of course, any one who actually knows me knows that I don't really care for red meat, and this was like going to Legal Seafood - a necessary sacrifice to cross a Place off my list. They didn't even bat an eye when I ordered it well done, and when it was served the waiter asked if I'd like to cut into the middle and check that it was done enough for me. I really appreciated that. I didn't feel inclined to order a steak, so I got the chopped steak which is freshly ground top sirloin.
I actually emptied my potato onto the meat so I could get a proper meat to potato ratio in every bite, and that first bite (even despite being well done) melted in my mouth. MELTED! IN MY MOUTH! Unexpectedly delicious.
The coconut cream pie was good, too.
I didn't get a picture, but Cattlemen's is located in Stockyard City, and you actually go under a gate announcing that fact. If this isn't the freshest beef you've eaten then you live on a cattle ranch.