"This lavish 1866 grand resort hotel sits on a remarkably isolated spot 12 miles south of the Canadian border, amid a landscape its owners describe as "the Switzerland of America," on the banks of Lake Gloriette, in a U-shaped mountain pass surrounded by 800-foot cliffs."

The Balsams closed in 2011 after being purchased by new owners. The original intent was to renovate the property, and in 2014 another heavy-weight joined the redevelopment effort. From everything I can gather, the redevelopment has been mired in a variety of delays including, financing, permitting, etc. Right now, they are marketing condos or residences in the property.
The resort is still visible from a public road, but many of the roads to the resort have been blocked and closed. Maybe someday it will be a grand resort destination again.

The Balsams closed in 2011 after being purchased by new owners. The original intent was to renovate the property, and in 2014 another heavy-weight joined the redevelopment effort. From everything I can gather, the redevelopment has been mired in a variety of delays including, financing, permitting, etc. Right now, they are marketing condos or residences in the property.
The resort is still visible from a public road, but many of the roads to the resort have been blocked and closed. Maybe someday it will be a grand resort destination again.