Robert P. Parker House
1019 Chicago
This doesn't have the overall "Wright" signature style, probably because it was one of those DL projects he did. But still, it has the art glass windows and the walled-in porch.

Thomas H. Gale House
1027 Chicago
Just a couple of houses down from the Parker House, this was another DL project. But he still gave it a highpitched roof and art glass.

Walter H. Gale House
1031 Chicago
IIRC the Gale's were a pair of brothers who lived next door to each other, and FLW did both their houses. This house has more art glass, a proper turret, and a whimsically narrow gable/dormer window that echoes the chimney. The front door? All the way on the other side, behind a walled porch.

Moore-Dugal Residence (aka Nathan G. Moore House)
333 Forest
Is this a home in Chicago? Is this a ski chalet? Definitely unique among his portfolio of work. Also, this is not the front of the house.

This side faces the street, but also not the front.

This is the front of the house! The whole thing is turned sideways.

Hills-Decario House (aka Edward R. Hills House)
313 Forest
FLW didn't design this house ground up, he did a redesign and was somewhat bound by the original architecture. However he did add his signature roof pitch, front porch, and row of horizontal windows.

Arthur B. Huertley House
318 Forest
Planters: check
Hidden door: check
Walled porch: check
Art Glass windows: check
Yep, this is FLW.

Sprucing up the place for FLW150:

Frank Thomas House
210 Forest
The Thomas house is considered the first true Prairie School house.
“First thing in building the new house, get rid of the attic, therefore the dormer ... Get rid of the useless false heights below it. Next, get rid of the unwholesome basement, yes absolutely-in any house built on the prairie. Instead of lean, brick chimneys bristling up everywhere to hint at judgement, I could see necessity for one chimney only."
-FLW in An Autobiography

Guess where the front door isn't.

Cort will have to fill you in on the rest of the tour. I've been having major back problems for the last year or so, and can't walk very far anymore, even with a cane. So, after this house I decided I better go back or we might need to call an ambulance. But the part I saw was so interesting. I hope I get a chance to go back and see the rest of this neighborhood and Robie House.