We ate really, really well all during this vacation, definitely taking advantage of the delicious cuisine of the South. Cort commented near the end of our trip that she didn't know how she could go back to eating at restaurants that don't have homemade mac and cheese on their menus, but in Memphis we ate especially well.
The List mentions 3 BBQ joints and by process of elimination we ended up eating at Interstate BBQ our first night.
It was super good and a ton of food! It was also in a neighborhood that I don't know if I'd chance after dark. :-/
One thing about Memphis - they love their BBQ Spaghetti. That's right, BBQ Spaghetti.
Our waitress at Interstate was super great, and ended up giving us a small plate of the BBQ Spaghetti to try for free. Good thing...neither of us ate more than a couple of bites. It tasted oddly like mole sauce, or enchiladas. It was just too weird for this gal. *Also in the too weird for this gal category ... broccoli rabe! (shout out to my Philly friends!)
After we got back to the hotel (with our commemorative Interstate cups) the front desk person and some random guy (who possibly worked there or was possibly just hanging around I'm not sure) asked about where we'd eaten and if we'd liked it. Random Guy told us that we should try The BBQ Shop because he loves it and it is the only place he'll eat BBQ in Memphis. He talked about it so glowingly that we did decide to try it the next day, and OMG! THANK YOU RANDOM GUY!
I only took one picture because I was waaaaaay too busy eating the deliciousness to be bothered with photos.
Y'all, EAT AT THE BBQ SHOP IN MEMPHIS (it's in mid-town, just before downtown). For further enjoyment it used to be called Dancing Pigs.