I was actually really excited for this one. I've read pretty much every Mary Higgins Clark novel and a lot of them take place in and around Cape Cod. It was nerdy cool to visit the towns she describes so well, and have a stunning visual reality in front of me. I drove the entire length of the Cape this day. I stopped at the National Park's Salt Pond Visitor's Center and a lovely ranger gave me some views and circled everything on the map that she thought would take a good picture. It really is incredibly lovely there.
Nauset Light
Marconi Station
Mayo Beach
Cape Cod Light (Highland Lighthouse) Highland Light was built in 1798 (the first on Cape Cod) was traditionally the first light seen on a voyage from Europe to Boston.
I just really liked this warning sign, especially the picture.
Pilgrim Heights was not circled by my guide on my map, and I should've paid attention to that. The trail was only supposed to be a 1/2 mile loop and I had already walked quite a ways when I came to this little pond. I kept going thinking that I must be at least half way through by then. Almost immediately past this point I was attacked by a frenzy of flying insects, but persisted (albeit briskly) down the trail. Turns out the trail didn't loop back, and so i was again attacked by flying insects on the way back. Big mistake, this trail. Big. Huge.
Providence Lands Visitor Center
P-Town, Baby!
Chatham Lighthouse (pronounced Chat-um, not Chay-thum as I'd always thought.)
Chatham Beach
Widow's Walk