Winterthur is the former estate of Henry Francis DuPont. HF was a prolific collector of american decorative arts and architecture. He also knew for quite some time that he was accumulating a museum-worthy collection, and decided to make his own museum. Winterthur was actually opened to the public before his death and he continued to live on the property even as the main house received museum-goers.
I went in hoping that the grounds would be equal to The Huntington in San Marino, favorite place on earth, and although they are lovely and walkable it isn't even close. I'm saying this before I've seen the magnificence of the azaleas in full bloom, but even then. I imagine it will be spectacular, but still no equal.
The museum, however far surpassess Huntington. The museum and house are wonderful finds and I look forward to visiting those again! In fact, Winterthur boasts such an amazing conservator program that nearly all musuem conservators in the U.S. are Winterthur trained. The thing I loved most about the estate was the feeling of the family that lived there and enjoyed a life there. It was a very good day.
The oldest Sargent Cherry trees in the country.